Wednesday, October 2, 2019

TEACHER…A definition

TEACHER… a seven-letter word that covers the spectrum of meanings. We consider it as one of the most precious words we’ve ever known. Teachers are providers of opportunities for nurturing our minds. A large block of their time is allotted for our enrichment, that’s why we treat them as our second parents. They impart us additional knowledge and open the threshold to our brighter future.

The word talks about a picture that displays patience, understanding, commitment, and love of profession. They help increase the learners’ ability to adapt to the challenging circumstances of learner’s life. It is also synonymous to a mother – loving, caring, and patient; a father – responsible and committed.
Here is an acrostic reflection on what a teacher means to me.

            T – Trains the youth to be critical thinker
Teachers make a mark that life is a journey that has to be analyzed carefully. They believe that education stands paramount in the life of a person. They impart knowledge, wisdom and skills to the learners for the development of their reasoning power. Teachers see to it that their learners will be able to express their own ideas in any aspects with the aid of their support and dedication. These would lead the learners on the right track.

A teacher is needed to train the youth to be critical thinkers; and not mere reflections of other men’s thoughts.

            E – Encourages young minds
Many of the learners don’t have what we call the ‘guts’ to do something. Anxiety always rules their totality. They also tend to be quiet maybe because of insecurities. This indication needs the presence of our encouraging teachers. Learners will feel more at ease or are in a position to easily cope when a teacher is there to provide help and support.
Encouragement is a driving force that makes a learner or anyone succeeds in his/her goals. Teachers make sure that their verbal encouragement is coupled with continued and consistent support. To encourage someone means truly listening and understanding.

            A – Affirming adviser
Learners mostly have this feeling of guilt because it seems that they couldn’t reach the heights where they can be praised on what they did. They feel that their works and efforts are senseless. What they really need is an affirmation from their teachers. This will be done by simple acts. Handing them an appreciation notes will surely uplift their ego. The smiles on their faces when they will be receiving their approval will be more than a payment to their teachers.
Simple smiles, kind words, listening ears, honest compliments – all are small acts of appreciation. All of which have the potential to turn a life around.

            C – Copes with innovation and modern technologies
Education must also be open to change and innovation. They must cope with rapid changes in technology and keep up trends that younger generation practice. With this, their class discussion will be more soothing and enjoyable. Humdrum and monotony will be excluded through these gadgets like computer and television.
Technology plays a very important role in alleviating the life condition of people. But in the contrary, technology should control the advancement of technology. Mentors must be aware of this fact.

            H – has a loving Heart, gentle HANDS
Loving is a divine mandate that makes, maintains and sustains ideal relationship. Teachers share with parents the task deeply inculcating in the youth’s mind the value of accepting people and understanding different personalities. Teachers, with the presence of their gentle hands will make their learners be glad because of their sincere dedication and warmth of affection.

Love spells unity and cooperation.

            E – Emphasizes ethical and spiritual values
Education is not only about acquisition of knowledge and skills. It is changing a person to a more responsible and a mature citizen. It means doing the right thing at the right time with the right motive and ethics. Values are the foundation of human society. Teachers maintain the balance between the two.
Mentors promote the importance of maintaining high standard of morality. This fosters the development of moral, ethical and values of a learner.

            R – Role model
Today’s curriculum integrates values subject. It implies that our society recognizes the vital role the teacher plays in propagating positive values to the learners. Values are caught not taught. It is, therefore, a must that teachers practice what they teach, for they cannot give what they don’t have.# (By Franklin V. Fernandez, Agno NHS)

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