Brainstorming: SDO1 Pangasinan housekeeping focal persons
/ commitee members who will help in the implementation of the 7S.
October 9, 2019.
Watch out! Implementing guiding
principles to govern every activity within a moldmaking or molding
facility is essential to properly managing the supply chain.
The implementation of SMAP ( Sulitin
Mo ang Paglilinis/ Pag-aayos / Pag-Implement)
7S System.
The Department of Education School
Division Office of Pangasinan 1 shall be implementing the SMAP 7S SYSTEM in all
offices for efficiency, productivity and quality improvement effective October
SMAP 7S is a management initiative
that focuses on establishing a quality work environment in the organization,
ensuring adherence to standards and in the process, fosters the spirit of continuous
improvement culture, fortify work relationships and make other functional
divisions, units and sections head to stay connected from each other.
Each of the seven steps plays an integral role in helping
facilities successfully implement and sustain the 7S system. Once each step has
been implemented, the 7S system is designed to function indefinitely. To
achieve this, managers and shop employees must embrace the system by
integrating it into their daily work routines. Keep in mind, reaching the final
step in 7S signifies the completion of implementation, but never ends the overall
system of organization. 7S should continue to cycle through previous steps, as
appropriate, so a shop remains organized for maximum efficiency.
This system focuses on the following
management techniques:
SORT (SEIRI) to set systematically
discard items that are not needed in the office.
SET IN ORDER (SEITON) to arrange
necessary items in a neat and systematic manner so that they can be easily
retrieved for use and to return after use.
SHINE (SEISO) to clean and inspect the
workplace thoroughly so that there will be no dirt on the floor, machines and
high standard of workplace organization by keeping everything clean and orderly
at all times.
SUSTAIN (SHITSUKI) to train people
practice the 5S system faithfully so that it becomes habitual and ingrained in
the culture of organization.
SAFETY. Safety is an integral part of
each of the original 5S phrases. The main benefit of 6S over the benefits of 5S
is that added focus on safety, used in areas with more hazardous processes it
can help to reduce even further the risk of an incident.
SPIRITUALITY (Spirit) Spirit is added
to remind people that it should be fun, and that creativity is key to coming up
with new ideas and better ways to implement 5S. Without engaged workers , the
5S approach will not last or be successful.
When work areas are functional
and clean, Division office have a better chance for achieving positive process
results, higher quality, increased productivity, reduced cost, increased
employee satisfaction and a safer workplace. With these procedures
implemented and monitored, you can expect that your workplace will be
maintained in a suitable manner and will lend itself to be a valuable asset. (Ursus Villamil Junatas)