Wednesday, February 19, 2020

A Superintendent's Coaching
"One of the powerful things that you can do as a coach is to care enough about your player so that you take the time to really understand what they are feeling and going through. Your genuine empathy and caring will go a long way towards strengthening the coach-athlete relationship and aiding the healing process."
In photos is SDS Sheila Marie A Primicias giving financial assistance and moral support to Ian Christian Burgos of Carthel Science Educational Foundation, a Wushu Athlete who suffered injury during the In-School Sports Training Program.
SDS Primicias, as an advocate of sports program and in full support of SDO 1 Pangasinan athletes, is sensitive to the issues of athletes getting injured during a rigorous training and practice and even during sports event. She helps speed up the healing process and significantly lessen the mental anguish that the athlete must struggle by her simple gestures such as getting to know updates on their situation.

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